If you have not yet registered for Audiu head to https://audiu.net/proย
Important Profile Tips
Good Profile and Cover images: Choose professional and high quality shots and use the cropping tool to ensure the images look great across the site.
Profile Tab
Display Name and Permalink: It's best to use the name you are best known for (usually artists name). Select a good permalink - this is the link you will share
Currency: This is the currency you will be paid in. Clients using other currencies will be show the equivalent amount in their own currencies.
Languages: Choose ALL languages that you are comfortable providing services in. We have users from all over the world and being able to communicate in their native tongue can be a major selling point.
Music Tab
Genres: Select ALL genres that you care comfortable working with. Clients can only submit tracks which match genres on your profile.
Creative Skills: Select all of your professional skills, clients can search based on these.
Gear Tab
DAW: This is the most important information, as some clients like to use the same DAW as the Pro they work with.
Plugins and Hardware: Share your gear with the world for extra kudos
About Tab
City and Country: Displayed underneath your Display Name, and searchable.
Bio: It is best not to copy and paste your standard bio! Yes, mention your experience, achievements and skills. But it is as important to mention what you can do to help people, why you're the right person to do it, and what they can hope to get out of choosing you
Socials: Obviously important, make sure you add all of you social presences.
Next: Upgrading to a Pro account