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Members and Sharing

Understanding access control and permissions

Ed avatar
Written by Ed
Updated over a week ago

Projects are perfect for managing your private audio projects as well as those involving other contributors.

One of Audiu's most powerful features is advanced access control. Simply click the 'Members / Sharing' button in the Project Tools secfion.

Simple mode 

  • Public: Visible to to everyone (downloads disabled)

  • Shared with Network: Visible to people in your network (downloads disabled)

  • Private: Only visible to you and named collaborators (see Advanced)

Advanced mode - give permissions to specific people

  • Owners can listen to, download, modify, add and delete tracks in a project, and change permissions

  • Collaborators can listen to, comment and download tracks and may modify/delete their own files in a project

  • Viewers can only listen to and comment on tracks.

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