Using the Upload or Import, buttons you can select a track to kick off your project. Audiu supports all audio formats up to 48kHz @ 24 bit.
While your track is uploading, you will be presented with the Edit Track screen.
It may look like a lot to take in, but all fields are optional and you are free to return later. A brief description of each section is below:
Name - the title of the track. The first track you upload will also set the Project name, although this can be changed later.
Genre - The genre of the track. Can help users find specific types of music.
Influences - Labels or artists that have influenced you while making this track. Used to suggest labels and other opportunities (coming soon)
Image - The artwork for the track
Version - You can rename the version here (each track can have multiple versions, more on this later)
Progress - What is the status of this track? This helps Audiu customise your experience and tailor support and opportunities.
Next: The Project Screen